Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Ticket Designs

Today I have started to create my 2 in 1 ticket and coaster designs for the Film Festival ('Overlay'). I have stuck with the idea of the circle as it works well best for a coaster and also relates to the circular shapes within the logo design.

For the back (coaster) design I have experimented with a more illustrative approach; repeated pattern, overlays, shape, bold colour and scale. I used the original colour scheme of red, yellow and orange but also experimented with a mixture of colours to develop the design and for a bolder and playful effect. The front (ticket) includes all the vital information about the festival; the title, logo, location, times, dates and barcode.

I have experimented with scale and layout thoroughly through my designs. I have used the typeface 'Futura' for the information on the ticket as I feel that it relates well with the aesthetic of our designs as it is symmetrical and geometric. The typeface is slick, clean and professional. I have also played around with adding outlines and overlays onto the original logo design for a more illustrative effect for the coaster, as well as for general development and to see if it needs more tweaking.

These are my favourite three designs. The first one sticks to the original colour palette and original logo designs; more classic. The second one explores more colours and the idea of repeated pattern and shape; abstract and bold. For the last one I experimented with the idea of opacity and background imagery; layering.

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