Monday 18 March 2019

End Of Module Evaluation

Overall, I feel like I have learnt a lot in this module which will help me throughout my personal design practice and with putting myself out there after University. I felt that this module has been extremely useful as I am a lot more confident with contacting designers and studios now than I was before, in particular Studio Brief 1 has been most beneficial and relevant to this.

Working on the creative report was extremely useful and enjoyable out of the other briefs. I felt that I learnt a lot since the first designers I contacted didn't respond so I then contacted a number of other designers that I liked the work of- I think this was good practice as I learnt to not give up if I don't receive a response straight away and to keep contacting till I get what I need, this was also useful as I ended up getting responses from 3 different designers which meant that I learnt a lot more. The responses I received were also very thorough and interesting which was great. Additionally, the designers that I contacted also specialise in Illustration and Photography which is relevant to my design practice as I have a high interest in these areas as well as Graphic Design.

Furthermore Studio Brief 2 and 3 were also useful but not as much fun and thorough. For Studio Brief 1 our group concept (Ey Up Creative Canvas) was a bit too ambitious and would have costed a lot- however this meant that I leant a lot about the logistics and costing that goes into a creative opportunity/exhibition/event, which will be useful for the future. Additionally, Studio Brief 3 was useful as it was personal to my design practice which I enjoyed.

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