Friday 1 March 2019

Publication Cover Development

I have also started to develop designs for the cover of my creative report publication. It is important that my cover is kept minimal as the main aim of the creative report is the content and key information that I gather from the designers and represent inside the report.

However, the cover should aim to reflect on each of the 3 each artists in some way, I felt that colour and typography would be most appropriate in order to do this, instead of busy imagery or a combination of work from the three artists. A busier cover design wouldn't be as successful as a more minimal approach. I chose a colour from each artists section that appeared often throughout their section.

Additionally, my creative report mainly focuses on how each designer approached the creative industry straight after graduation, and how they found their own unique aesthetic/approach to design which helped them stand out against other designers and studios, as the creative industry is very competitive. These focuses and ideas influenced the name of my creative report.

Creative report name ideas:

  • Start outs
  • Start outs and uniqueness
  • Start unique
  • How to start out and stand out
  • Start out and stand out

The name idea that I decided to go with is 'Start Out & Stand Out' I felt that this was most successful as it is short, sweet and snappy, peers also mentioned that they liked this name idea the most.

Cover designs:

Additionally, I have also created an introduction page for the overall publication. Each designers section has an introduction page which briefly explains their approach to design and the area of design that they work in, however I felt that the creative report also needed an overall introduction.

The introduction: 'This creative report by Laveeza Zahid focuses on the theme of creative start outs after graduating from University and how to stand out and find your own unique style within todays competitive creative industry. The report bases itself on three current industry designers and their unique approaches to design; Alexis Jesup from Brooklyn NY, Benjamin Craven from Leeds and Claudia Chanhoi from London.'

Overall introduction page

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