Saturday, 9 February 2019

Further responses

I also contacted an artist called Claudia Chanhoi (@brainxeyes) and an artist called Benjamin Craven (@benjamincraven_) as I also love their work and would love to find our more about their practice. Both designers were extremely friendly and I found both of their responses so interesting:

The DMs that I sent to Claudia via Instagram:

The questions and responses from Claudia:

The DMs that I sent to Ben via Instagram:

The questions sent to Ben:

His responses:

I now have responses off 3 designers which is what I was aiming for (@colorscreative, @benjamincraven_ and @brainxeyes). Having responses and insight from more than one designer interests me more as I can see how the different designers approach design, their personal experiences and their unique creative journeys, I also noticed that occasionally the designers spoke about similar things what was also interesting to see.

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