Tuesday, 6 February 2018


For my 3 applications, I have decided to go with my idea of using collage to represent myself, by making these collages visually extremely abstract, energetic, bright, bold, fun and experimental. When collaging I also looked at work of some of my favourite artists; Hattie Stewart, Mat Maitland and Magdiel Lopez, the inspiration for a lot of the shapes was from  shapes and marks that I found interesting within their work.

This task was extremely enjoyable as collaging is one of my favourite ways of working. It allows me to experiment with no restrictions and I felt that I could get the wacky aesthetic that I was aiming for through perfectly using collage. I used a range of different paper media; magazines, newspapers, coloured paper, sugar paper and cartridge paper that was printed onto. Also, in general I prefer to work more handmade than digital.

From these collages, my aim is to create a set of posters or a little zine. I will develop these collages using the photocopier; photocopying onto different paper media (colour, sugar etc), enlarging, repeating the patterns, using singular colour and overlaying.


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