Wednesday, 21 March 2018

End Of Module Evaluation

Overall, I really enjoyed this module as I felt that I learnt a lot about myself through the self branding brief as well as the briefs that were set in groups. I enjoyed working in groups as I was able to share ideas my ideas and collaborate, which will be useful to me in the future. However, I felt that more individual briefs were needed since self branding was the only one where I was able to work in the styles that I wanted, also group work was quite challenging at times.

I found group work challenging at times when certain members from the group were absent. For the Film Festival brief at least 2 people were always absent which meant that people were behind and we were left to catch them up every time, this meant that these people were very confused by what was happening and which designs were being developed. Although the people that were present I really enjoyed working with. As a group we assigned each person or in pairs, a task which they worked on throughout the branding so that everyone had an even amount of work; me and Brylle worked on designing the tickets, we combined both our designs in order to design a final ticket. Furthermore, the first group brief (Haiku) was a lot more enjoyable as it was relevant to us as university students; it felt a lot more personal. We also worked well together as a group.

Furthermore, I really enjoyed the self branding project as I felt that I learnt a lot about myself. Before this brief, I'd never thought so deeply about where I want to be in the future. I just knew I wanted to be some sort of Graphic Designer, this brief actually got me thinking about the type of designers and companies I'd want to work for and whether I'd want to work in a big agency or do more freelance work. I also enjoyed this brief as I was able to experiment fully with the working techniques that I am best at; this lead to my final designs having a nice consistent vibrant aesthetic which represented me as a person. I'd enjoy doing more briefs like this in the future, maybe with more time though, as 2 weeks felt a little rushed; especially with a week of studio practice in between.

In conclusion, this module was useful as it allowed me to actually get into contact with designers that work within the creative industry, it is important for me to start making connections early on. I also felt that this module was very different to a studio practice module; I felt a lot more relaxed and organised.